Course curriculum

    1. B²HUB Provides Opportunity

    2. Online Course Syllabus: E-commernce Business Models and Reveue Streams

    1. Ecommerce Past, Present, and Future

    2. New E-commerce: Social, Mobile, and Local

    3. The Growth of E-Commerce

    1. Eight Unique Features of E-Commerce Technology

    2. Ubiquity

    3. Global Reach

    4. Universal Standards

    5. Information Richness

    6. Interactivity

    7. Information Density

    8. Personalization/Customization

    9. Social Technology: User Content Generation and Social Networking

    1. Digital Markets and Digital Goods in a Global Marketplace

    2. Digital Goods

    1. Types of E-commerce

    2. E-Commerce Business Models

    3. The Portal Business Model

    4. The E-tailer Business Model

    5. Content Provider Business Model

    6. Transaction Broker

    7. Market Creator

    8. Service Privider

    9. Community Provider (Social Networks)

    1. Advertising Revenue Model

    2. Sales Revenue Model

    3. Subscription Revenue Model

    4. Free/Freemium Model

    5. Transaction Fee Revenue Model

    6. Affiliate Revenue Model

About this course

  • Free
  • 34 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content